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Wound Care

It's important to examine your feet regularly, and that is especially true if you are diabetic.  Poor circulation due to vascular disease, and lack of feeling due to neuropathy may lead to unnoticed trauma, blisters or other breaks in the skin that can develop into chronic wounds if gone unnoticed.  If you can't see your own feet easily, have a friend or partner inspect them daily, or use a mirror on the floor to inspect your own feet.  Inspect your socks every day for drainage, blood or odor.  Prevention is the most important step in wound care.  Ask your podiatrist if you are at high risk for developing foot ulcer and discuss a strategy for prevention and to reduce unnecessary risk.  


Risk Factors Include:

  • Diabetes

  • Neuropathy

  • Vascular Disease

  • Foot Deformity (Bunion, Hammertoe, etc)

  • Inappropriate Footwear

  • History of previous foot ulceration

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